Опубликовано 22 сентября 2017, 13:10

Что стало с автомобилями после урагана Харви?

Тысячи машин под открытым небом дожидаются своего часа…

Три недели назад ураган Харви жестко прошелся по штату Техас, вызвав катастрофические наводнения, уничтожив дома и постройки. Из-за стихии президент Дональд Трамп был вынужден ввести чрезвычайное положение, а на ликвидацию последствий урагана потребовались долгие дни.

Arial images of our facility taken last week full of vehicles damaged from #harvey #houstonstrong

Публикация от Royal Purple Raceway (@royalpurpleraceway)

Drone Footage Reveals Staggering Amount of Flooded Cars Destroyed by Hurricane Harvey #FACTS SEPT. 21, 2017. It's almost hard to believe in this hyperactive hurricane season, but Harvey's ongoing reign of destruction in southeast Texas began just three short weeks ago. Over that time, the #storm claimed more than 80 lives, inflicted untold billions of dollars in damage, and reshaped an entire region. And because the #Houstonarea is so driving-centric the rising waters engulfed an estimated half a million #vehicles For a place that's built around the car, losing so many in one fell swoop is a problem in more ways than one. The first and most pressing issue has been getting #replacements for owners so people can return to their lives and get back to work and school to help power the region's recovery. But in the meantime, officials needed to figure out just where to keep hundreds of thousands of them. Fortunately, if there's one thing Texas is blessed with, it's space. Authorities turned two area racetracks—the disused Texas World Speedway, and the very-much-used Royal Purple Raceway—into massive open-air storage pens, trucking in cars by the thousand on #flatbeds in a mammoth logistical operation. A #drone photographer who goes by @texasaerials on Instagram recently flew a #DJISpark over the scene at #RoyalPurpleRaceway and the resulting video and images are mind-boggling in scale. You'll have to squint to pick out individual makes and models in the aerial footage, but pictures from reporters on the ground show the storm was truly egalitarian in its destruction, swamping #Ferraris and Kias alike. We don't even want to think about the mold blossoming inside these cars as they slowly steam in the hot Texas sun. The track alone could reportedly end up taking in 100,000 cars as more roll in daily. Autoweek reports its owners negotiated a six month contract with Copart, the salvage auction specialists running the operation, so drag racing should resume there by February. #VEHICLENINFO #NINFONETWORK #HOUSTON #TEXAS #HURRICANEIRMA #HURRICANEHARVEY #CARS #CNN #CNBC #CARPORN #CARLOVERS #AUTOWEEK #CARFAX #TOYOTA #BMW #PORSCHE #CARLOVERS #INSTACARS #COPART

Публикация от VehicleNInfo (@vehicleninfo)

Разумеется, из-за стихии пострадали не только люди, но и их имущество – в том числе и автомобили. Сотни тысяч транспортных средств, поврежденных водой, пришлось эвакуировать, и сейчас власти собирают их в специальные отстойники. По иронии судьбы такими стали гоночные трассы. Например, автодромы Texas Motors Speedway и Royal Purple Raceway, на территории которых теперь выставлены десятки тысяч автомобилей-утопленников.

По сообщениям американских СМИ, руководство автодромов подписало специальный контракт, по которому машины будут оставаться на их площадках в течение полугода. Но действительно интересно не это, а то, как все эти стройные ряды автомобилей выглядят со стороны. Предлагаем вам взглянуть в нашей галерее на это завораживающее зрелище.

Фото: AP/East NEWS

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